How to NAViGATE the new session guide
Q: How do I view my profile on mobile?
A: While the top bar is blank on the right side, the icon is still there! Just tap on the top right corner and your profile options will show up and you can view your profile and sessions handouts.
See photos below ⇓

Q: How do I see more information about a session?
A: To see session information, click on the session. It will bring you to a new page where the title, summary, and speaker(s) are listed. From there, click on “More Details” to see additional session information such as: Speakers, Session Format, Learning Objectives, Audience, Session Level, and Handout Link.
Q: How do I see additional sessions by a speaker?
A: The best way to see a speaker’s sessions is to find the speaker on the “Browser Sessions by Speaker” menu and click on their name. This will bring you to their profile where their sessions are publicly listed under “Sessions from this Speaker” on the left.
Q: How do I see my registered sessions?
A: Click on your name at the top right of the screen. On the resulting dropdown, click on “View Name’s Profile”. This will bring you to your profile page where you can see your sessions under the “My Sessions” section on the left.
Q: When I click multiple categories, there are no results. Why is this happening?
A: The search function is “AND” not “OR”. When you select multiple categories, it will only find sessions that match both criteria (e.g. Database AND Programming: General). This is also true for the session difficult tags (e.g. Beginner, Intermediate, etc.).
Q: How do I access session handouts?
A: To access session handouts, click on the “Session Handouts” tab at the top of the page. On the resulting drop-down menu, select the conference. This will bring you to a page with folders organized by the speaker’s last name. Each folder will have the relevant handouts.
Q: How do I complete an evaluation?
A: Speakers will show a QR code linked to their evaluation at the end of their session. Alternatively, you can access the evaluation by clicking on “More Details” on the session page that you are interested in.
Q: I still have questions, how can I get answers?
A: You can reach out to or