Virtual has exploded. We have had many tools to support virtual webex, gotomeeting, zoom, teams, skype and many others for individual use and many other tools for large gathering like education events and conferences. The last couple of years we saw virtual amped up. Some people still struggle but most have become accustomed to conveniently meet using virtual tools. Eliminating the need to travel and join a group together has proven to work. The tools used have been enhanced providing features and updates to improve performance and make the tools flexible, safe, and easy to use. It is not the same as face to face but sure has proven to be a must have in everyone’s IT toolkit. Assisting system users, trouble shooting by sharing screens and transferring control have made it easy to accomplish what is needed without being there onsite. Audio and video improvements have made it easy to transition into using a virtual option. It has been an important tool through COVID, and my thought is it will continue to be accepted, embraced, and improved. Our team always used virtual tools by the nature of what we do. Virtual is definitely inexpensive. It is not the same as face to face but surely has proven to be an excellent option. My prediction is that we will continue to see virtual use. Some organizations will shift back to face to face, but I do believe that virtual will continue to be popular in 2022 and beyond. Vendors have been impacted by not having ability to meet with prospective customers. Many appreciate and embrace virtual for meetings but suspect the preference, for conference events and expos, would be to have face to face interaction. Virtual conference events have not proven to be as effective as face to face. Improvements have been made but many vendors have spent a lot of time figuring out how to make virtual more effective to show products and services to prospective customers. Many bright minds have been busily at work to improve the experience and offerings virtually. It will be interesting to see what happens when we are able to meet face to face.
332 S. Michigan Ave.
Unit LL – C12
Chicago, IL 60604