Artificial intelligence has now become commonplace. AI is programming to mimic human behavior. It is a pretty broad brush which includes endless solutions. AI has been around for a long time but has been riding the wave of rapid growth with no end in sight. Some of this can be attributed to not having enough resource, replacing human resource to complete tasks to reduce cost, providing a solution focused on results and data integrity, accomplishing tasks that improve deliverables, and providing solutions that may not be feasible with existing resource skills and availability. We are seeing AI implemented across all industries. Whether it be used for data analytics or providing a solution for automating common tasks, we have all interacted with and have been impacted by AI solutions. IBM has embraced AI with a significant kickstart through the infamous Watson Jeopardy event. Check out Watson on IBM i and Web Query to see some of the ways IBM i is embracing AI. You can visit the following IBM ink to learn more about AI also visit the following link for a recent IT Jungle article featuring information on AI on IBM i IBM continues to extend AI offerings and provides plenty of support for those that want to take advantage. IBM has embraced AI a really good example of this is shown throw the following link focused on sustainability AI can be used for medical diagnostics, analyzing accident information for insurance companies, crunching large amounts of data providing forecasting information, chatbots on retail sites, replacing service industry staff, balancing and choosing investments for investment firms and much more. My prediction is that we will continue to see advancements and implementation of AI solutions in 2022. To learn more surf, reach out to IBM and attend education events like COMMON offering many sessions on AI. The future is upon us with AI.
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